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A new year demands new trends and if you just change the date and not update, 2020 shall not be much fruitful for you! At hicentrik, we believe that growth marketing hacks in 2020 are more human and more automated. HI+AI(Human Intelligence + Artificial Intelligence) is the only way to keep climbing the digital staircase. That being said the new growth marketing hacks analysis done by us suggests that along with building huge target relationships its important to back it up by automation for faster communication and reach.

In terms of growth perception, Digital Marketing seems to be easier than traditional marketing, however, the matter of the fact is it’s difficult to market via intangible mediums! Only a blend of HI+AI can get your ball rolling in the digital world.

According to Techgrabyte:
“Artificial intelligence is the biggest commercial opportunity for companies, industries, and nations over the next few decades” and “will increase global GDP by up to 14% between now and 2030,” which means that “AI latecomers will find themselves at a serious competitive disadvantage within the next several years.”

Stay glued to this blog while we list out some quirky trends that shall bring you digital prosperity in 2020!

Human Intelligence Tools + Artificial Intelligence

1. Social Listen To Generation-z

An aerial view survey suggests that the young generation should be your priority prospects. Analyze and study the shift in taste and accordingly upgrade your pre-work style standards. Produce more diversified content with more authentic designs on social media and with a good sense of humor added. That being said, make the content worth an eye grab! Use more friendly feedback obtaining techniques, let’s say emoji would work!

Demographics Insights about Gen - Z - Social Listening Tools

Demographics Insights About Gen – Z
Source –  Infegy Blog

2. Predictions are welcomed in 2020! Follow Predictive Marketing:

If considering the specific eCommerce industry, predictive marketing is religion. That being said big players like Amazon and Flipkart make the most of Email automation, push notifications and SMS. That being said, make the predictions customized by spending a larger time on research. You can tap the time and eagerness to buy and make the prediction more predictive, followed by converting your prospects into buyers.

Predictive Marketing & Advertising Solutions –  Major Points

  • Predictive E-mail Recommendations
  • Predictive Web Recommendations
  • Predictive Mobile Recommendations

Major Benefits of Predictive Marketing

  • It can definitely bring a J-curve to your marketing ROI
  • Increases brand loyalty
  • Offers an awesome buying journey experience to the customer
  • Builds the Omnichannel customer journeys


Predictive Marketing & Advertising

Source – martech.zone


3. Chatbots should be as smart as 3PO AND R2 from Star Wars

By saying this we don’t undermine the potential of your existing chatbots. However, the point is that make sure your deployed chatbots sound more human and not solely expressionless AI. Customers prefer chatbot interaction more than human interaction, the reason being chatbots are smart and do know your buying as well as a complaint or any other history. This saves time and effort to describe the issue time and again to a new human from the customer service department.

4. YouTube SEO

Growth Marketing through video marketing is one approach businesses have been following through decades. However, the new growth marketing trend is making thereof more optimized and ‘civilized’ in plain words. One advantage we would like to state is that your video does have a high chance to stand out as Google does have a special SERP place. To grab this your content should have relevant keywords, metatags and so forth. You can rank both in Google and YouTube and appear on the top with some smart AI induced!

5. Seize the Micro-Moments Through Creative Content

The advice from Google’s John Mueller is that “rather than chase the latest SEO trends, it’s more important to ensure a site has fast speeds, useful links, and well-written content.”

Micro-moments refer to those fraction of seconds wherein your prospects can be converted into buyers in no time. Along with quirky SEO hacks your marketing language plays a great deal for a smart sale of a service or a product, tangible or intangible. 



6. Build Awareness About Augmented and Virtual Reality

Some of the brands have already stepped out of the traditional marketing campaign box. Get your campaigns more interactive and worth attending to by bringing in more of AI. Both AR and VR are supposedly the two revolutionizing steps in the world of digital and growth marketing. Large scale MNC’s have already started with growth marketing campaigns involving thereof and are proving to be a big hit!

7. SEO with SERP Position Zero Target

As per ithemes, Position Zero is the information Google offers at the very top of the search results. Position zero is also called the featured snippet and is exactly that: a featured snippet of content that directly answers a search query.

Do not try to be the first but zero! Position zero in the world of the internet is not as vague as it seems to be, on the contrary, it helps you sound the most relevant. If you do want to get out of the war of ranking and sit above all be on your mark for position zero. This puts you on top of the first result ranking and makes prospects on a hunt for relevance click out of curiosity. Get set to receive traffic flood!

Types of Position Zero Snippets

  • Table Featured Snippets
  • List Featured Snippets
  • Paragraph Featured Snippets
Featured Snippets - Statics

Source – ahrefs


Featured Snippets - Statics

Source – ahrefs

8. Personalization in Growth Marketing Strategy

It is of much importance in growth-oriented digital marketing than many of the businesses fail to realize. With a wide audience to reach for it sometimes becomes a huge task to make tons of customers feel, a personal touch. However, thanks to the advancements in technology now it is literally possible without much hassle to make your clients feel that you care about them!

One of the biggest examples of it is Dominos Pizza notifying you on your month start “Seems like you got your salary today, a pizza to celebrate?”

80% of consumers said that they’d be more likely to do business with a brand that provides a personalized experience, as per a survey by Epsilon



2020 is a year filled with advancing steps, revolutionized digital marketing trends and admitting that AI is the new master. However, we believe that a human is a master of creativity and imparting the same to AI. 

That is what we at hicentrik stand for:

Changing the face of digital marketing by remaining human intelligence centric.

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Nikita Sharma is Chief Strategy Centrik @ hicentrik. She Strategizes, Optimizes & Revises digital activities to deliver optimum results & returns.
6 Years of Global Experience in Multi-tasking, i.e. Digital Advertising, Social Media, Ad Campaigns, Web Design & Development, Lead Generation, and Reporting.

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